Wysyłasz… wygrywasz… czerwcowy konkurs Sami Swoi
Konkurs WYSYLASZ, WYGRYWASZ – tak się Państwu spodobał, że na Waszą prośbę, wznawiamy na kolejny miesiąc. To proste, wyślij przelew do Polski w dowolnej placówce Sami Swoi
Każdy przelew wykonany w czerwcu, w jednym z naszych oddziałów bierze udział w losowaniu nagrody i zwiększa Twoją szansę na wygraną.
Do wygrania 10 kart upominkowych Love2Shop, każda o wartości £50!
Do zrealizowania w ponad 20 tys. sklepów popularnych sieci w UK (Argos, BHS, Boots, Debenhams, Halfords, PC World, Toys ‚R’ Us i w wielu innych).
Nie czekaj. Wysyłaj, Wygrywaj – Szybko, tanio i bezpiecznie! Razem od 10 lat!!!
Rozstrzygnięcie konkursu nastąpi 8 lipca. Zwycięzcy zostaną poinformowani o wygranej drogą telefoniczną.
Rules of the “Wysyłasz… wygrywasz…” competition
1. These rules apply to the “Wysyłasz… wygrywasz…” competition.
2. The Competition is organised by One Money Mail Ltd based in London at: Exchange Plaza, 58 Uxbridge Road, W5 2ST (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Organiser).
3. The competition is open to persons 18 or over living in the UK.
4. Persons employed by the Organiser, as well as
5. The Competition’s Organiser is responsible for the those who live with them in the same household, may not participate in the Competition. Competition’s organisation and its compliance with the Competition Rules.
6. The Competition starts on 1st June 2014 and runs until 30th June 2014.
7. You can participate in the Competition by making a money transfer at one of our branches or authorized agent locations.
8. Making multiple money transfers may increase your chances of winning.
9. The 10 winners will be drawn from all the transactions made at our branches and authorized agent locations between 1st June 2014 and 30th June 2014 in accordance with Rule 7.
10. The Organiser has the right to publish the name of the winner, their city of residence and the location at which the winning transfer was made.
11. The prize is 10 Love2Shop gift cards (the balance of each gift card is 50 GBP).
The card is accepted at all of following stores:
Argos, Babies 'R’ Us, Beaverbrooks, BHS, Blue Inc, Boots, Currys, Debenhams, Drayton Manor*, DW Sports, Fitness, Early Learning Centre, Ernest Jones, Faith (Concessions at Debenhams), Greenwoods Menswear, Gulliver’s Theme Parks*, Halfords, HMV, Homebase, House of Fraser, H. Samuel, Iceland, Jane Norman, Leslie Davis, London Bridge Experience*, London Tombs*, Matalan, Mothercare, Love2travel*, New Look, Officers Club, PC World, Peacocks, Petroleum, Ponden Home*, Principles (Concessions at Debenhams), River Island, £Stretcher, Semichem, Shoezone, Sporting Pro, Stead and Simpson, Superdrug, TJ Hughes, The Original Factory Shop,Thomas Land*, Toys 'R’ Us, Unique Track Days, Waterstones, Wilkinson, Wookey Hole Caves*, 1860 Suit Hire
*restrictions apply- check http://www.highstreetvouchers.com/gift-vouchers/redeemers/love2shop-card-restrictions
T&C apply http://www.flexecash.com/brands/love2shop-retail/downloads/L2S-Card-Purchased-On-Line-Retail-2EMD-Compliant-2.pdf
12. The prize draw will take place on 8th July and all winners will be contacted within 7 working days.
13. The winner will be notified by e-mail and by phone.
14. We will require the winner to confirm the delivery address by email. The prize will be sent by Royal Mail registered Next Day Delivery.
15. Participation in the competition amounts to consent for processing the participants’ personal data by the Organiser.
Super… polecam wszystkim. Sami Swoi najlepsi …