Wygraj wejściówkę na Warsztaty Piękna!
Z każdym dniem zbliżamy się do upragnionego lata. Codziennie z nadzieją obserwujemy temperaturę, by sprawdzić czy możemy założyć swoją ulubioną, letnią kurtkę. Na zakupach zaopatrzamy nasze garderoby w kolorowe ubrania. Każdy z nas chce wyglądać pięknie każdego dnia. W związku z tym mamy dla Was niespodziankę!
Na naszym funpage’u na Facebooku możecie wziąć udział w organizowanym przez nas konkursie, w którym możecie wygrać dwie pojedyncze wejściówki na „Warsztaty Piękna”, które odbędą się 26 kwietnia w Hotelu Novotel na Hammersmith w Londynie.
Co trzeba zrobić by wygrać wejściówkę? Wystarczy udzielić najciekawszej odpowiedzi na pytanie: Ile czasu przeciętnie kobieta szykuje się do wyjścia z domu?
Czekamy na Wasze odpowiedzi. Zapraszamy!
Regulamin konkursu
TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the promotion „Beauty Workshop”
§1 The Organizer
The organiser of the promotion is One Money Mail Ltd T/As Sami Swoi, based at, Exchange Plaza, 58 Uxbridge Road, London W5 2ST registered at Companies House under registration number 5031907. The Organiser is directly responsible for the implementation of the promotion.
§2 The Promotion
The promotion is aimed at individual clients having full legal capacity, who during the period of Promotion answers in the most interesting way the question” How much time does the average woman spend getting ready to leave the house?” in order to win 2 single tickets for the “Beauty Workshop” at the Novotel Hotel , Hammersmith, 1 Shortlands, London W6 8DR.
§3 Time and Place of the Promotion
The Promotion starts at 13:00 hrs on 15th April 2015 and ends on 16thApril 2015 at 20:00 hrs and includes the activities set out in §2.
§4 Participants of the promotion
Participants in the promotion must be persons of 18 years of age or over. The competition is not open to employees of One Money Mail Ltd and 1MM Media Ltd or members of their immediate family.
§5 Terms and conditions of the promotion
Participants can takes part in the competition by adding comments on our Facebook fun page under the post “Beauty Workshop”. The winners will receive two single tickets to “Beauty Workshop” which will take place on April 26th at the Novotel Hotel (Hammersmith). Entries will be judged by a panel appointed by the Organiser, and its decision will be final. Correspondence will not be entered into. The name of the winners will be available from the Organiser on request. Copyright in the entries will remain the property of the Organiser.
§6 Complaints
Any complaints regarding the promotion can be made by e-mail or by post to the Organiser by 24th April 2015. A complaint will be considered in accordance with the Organiser’s “Complaints Policy” available on www.przekazypieniezne.com
§7 General provisions
By participating in the promotion a participant confirm their acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
The participant confirms that he/she has read and accepts these Terms & Conditions. One Money Mail Ltd reserves the right to amend these rules at any time.